Outline Shell Mera, Ecuador 1. Matures in adversity (vv.24-30) 2. Grows from Obscurity (vv.31-33) 3. Perseveres through to victory (vv.36-43)
Author: John Woldhuis (John Woldhuis)
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a Sower
Outline Kingdom Parables The Sower (vv.1-9) The Purpose (vv.10-17) The Sower explained (vv.18-23) Application – God’s Word – Oikos
The Church: The Antidote to Uncertainty
Outline Uncertainty One like a Son of Man The Antidote to uncertainty
The One True Unique God
Oultine 1. Unique Qualities of the Lord. (vv.1-13) God’s grace is unique (vv.2-3) God’s timing is unique (vv.3b-4a) God’s ways are unique (v.4b) God’s power is unique (vv.5-8) God’s faithful protection is unique (vv.9-10) God’s provision is unique (vv.7&13) 2. How to respond to the Lord (vv.14-28)
Receiving the Inheritance
Outline Your inheritance 1. A Wonderful Inheritance 2. A United Nation 3. Cities of Refuge 4. Wholeheartedness
Where is your Confidence?
Outline Where is your confidence? 1. A formidable enemy 2. But “fear not” says the Lord 3. God won the Victory for them 4. God has won the victory for us
Reliance on God means going to God
Outline Introduction An Act of Deception The Great Failure God’s Amazing Grace Grace, Prayer and Us
Recognise and Resist Temptation
Outline My Sin Achan’s Sin The Problem The Resolution What sin is like? Recognise and Resist!
Jericho – A Win Without Fighting
Outline A winner! The Lord’s Battle How does the Lord work today?
A Rock Collection Worth Remembering
Outline What? You forgot? A little note on the Promised land Joshua 4 Remember this…