The Kingdom of Heaven is like Wheat

The Kingdom of Heaven is like Wheat

Outline Shell Mera, Ecuador 1. Matures in adversity (vv.24-30) 2. Grows from Obscurity (vv.31-33) 3. Perseveres through to victory (vv.36-43)  

The One True Unique God

The One True Unique God

Oultine 1. Unique Qualities of the Lord. (vv.1-13) God’s grace is unique (vv.2-3) God’s timing is unique (vv.3b-4a) God’s ways are unique (v.4b) God’s power is unique (vv.5-8) God’s faithful protection is unique (vv.9-10) God’s provision is unique (vv.7&13) 2. How to respond to the Lord (vv.14-28)

Receiving the Inheritance

Receiving the Inheritance

Outline Your inheritance 1. A Wonderful Inheritance 2. A United Nation 3. Cities of Refuge 4. Wholeheartedness

Where is your Confidence?

Where is your Confidence?

Outline Where is your confidence? 1. A formidable enemy 2. But “fear not” says the Lord 3. God won the Victory for them 4. God has won the victory for us