Outline 1. Fully Dependant 2. Book of Galatians 3. Doctrine of Salvation 4. Right Living 5. Cross Centred Life
Author: John Woldhuis (John Woldhuis)
Living as God’s Children
Outline Downton Abbey 1. To the Galatians – Are you living as children of God? (vv.8-11). 2. An Old Testament example – Hagar and Sarah (vv.21-31) 3. A personal appeal to the Galatians (vv.12-20) 4. A personal appeal to you
God’s Children
Outline Adopted What do we learn about adoption? We learn what we were before being adopted. We learn who adopted us. We learn what adoption does for us.
Best Promise Ever!
Outline New Things Heirs according to a promise What’s the point of the law? What’s the purpose of the law?
How not to be a fool?
Outline Foolish 1. Experience helps you (vv.1-5) 2. History helps you (vv.5-9) 3. Jesus helps you (vv.10-14)
Straight and True
Outline Content of the Gospel Source of the Gospel Confirmation of the Gospel
What are you looking forward to?
Outline Things we look forward to Jesus’ Return Jesus’ Reward Jesus’ Glorification
City Vision
Outline Most cities have a vision You were made for this You can be certain of this What might it look like to live for this? Photo Attribution
Philip and the Eunuch
Outline Rejected An Ethiopian eunuch, an important official A Divine Encounter Application
Don’t Reject the Messenger
Outline Rejection Accusation of Stephen Speech of Stephen Light on Stephen Light from Jesus