Love the Lord

Love the Lord

Outline Relationships  Basis for relating to God (4:44-5:6)  How to live as God’s redeemed people (5:7-21)  How to really live as God’s redeemed people (5:22-6:9)  It’s always grace then obedience. 

Time to Remember

Time to Remember

Outline 1. The Gospel of Moses  2. Israel’s past faithlessness.  3. God’s past faithfulness.  4. Trust in Jesus

Justice and Freedom

Justice and Freedom

Outline 1. The servant’s identity 2. The servant brings justice and freedom 3. How the servant brings justice and freedom

King Jesus

King Jesus

Outline What do people say about Jesus? Recognition of the King Rejection of the King Response of the King What do you say about Jesus?

From Grief to Joy

From Grief to Joy

Outline Confusion Life is like childbirth Grief to joy Joy and access to the Father

A World that Hates

A World that Hates

Outline What do you hate? The world hates you because of Jesus(vv.18-21) The world’s hate is a guilty hate (vv.22-24) The world’s hate fulfils God’s law (v.25) What’s the response to hatred? (vv.26-27)

Bearing Fruit

Bearing Fruit

Outline Branches Remain in Jesus so that you bear fruit Bear fruit in order to remain in Jesus Are you bearing fruit?

Solidarity with the King

Solidarity with the King

Outline Printer’s Union 1. Solidarity 2. The Betrayal 3. The significance of Solidarity What next?