Being Good & Being Forgiven

Being Good & Being Forgiven

Outline The Passage First scandal (36-39) Second scandal (44-46) The parable (40-43) Declaration (47-50) The People Simon The Woman Jesus The Point

Meeting the World

Meeting the World

Outline Something in common Four observations 1. Pray 2. Experts 3. Consequences 4. Your job and God’s job Three radical actions 1. DO develop a salty tongue 2. DON’T wear deodorant 3. DO live a questionable life How to become radicalised

The Wonder of Christmas

The Wonder of Christmas

Outline The Wonder of Christmas •Mishpat, Justice and Joy to the World •God’s unimaginably great power •God’s strange use of power •How you can discover the true wonder of Christmas

The Significance of the Resurrection

The Significance of the Resurrection

Outline What happens at the end? The curious story of the breakfast on the beach Key features on the map 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 Romans 8:18-23 Ecclesiastes 2:17-20 vs 1 Corinthians 15:58 The significance for life now

The Nature Of The Resurrection

The Nature Of The Resurrection

1 Corinthians 15:35-58 Outline The resurrection changes everything The historical reality of the resurrection The physical reality of the resurrection Our resurrection like His resurrection