September 22, 2024

The Kingdom of Heaven is like Sheep and Goats

The Kingdom of Heaven is like Sheep and Goats


Two similar animals – Sheep and Goats

An Ending to Earthly History – Jesus the Judge verse 31

A division and a reckoning


What are the marks of the authentic Christian – the Sheep?

• Blessed by the Father.

• Genuine love of Jesus and his disciples.

Verse 40 “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”


The Counterfeit believer – The Goat:

• Cursed by God

• No love for Jesus and his people

• Eternal Punishment


Where are the authentic Christians? They are the ones who love their fellow believers, pray for them. Visit them in distress and show practical love. They are God’s sheep.

The false believer cares nothing for others and does not think following Jesus means loving others. They are the goats and will one day face eternal punishment.

Let us be authentic by truly loving Jesus by showing practical love to our brothers and sisters.