Outline Loneliness 1. No longer a stranger 2. Be known by Jesus 3. Be built up by Jesus The Antidote to loneliness
Author: John Woldhuis (John Woldhuis)
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a Bag of Gold
Outline Who’s the biggest fan? Parable Overview Parable Explained Parable Applied
The Kingdom of Heaven is like Wedding Banquet
Outline Grace Offered Grace Despised Grace Offered Grace Despised
The Kingdom of Heaven is like Workers in a Vineyard
Outline Culture Map Context Labourers in the Vineyard God’s surprising salvation
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a Merciful King
Outline Relating as Kingdom Citizens How to handle fellow citizens who don’t admit fault. (vv.15-20) How to handle fellow citizens who continually admit fault. (vv.21-35) Kingdom Citizens
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a Perfect Father
Outline My Dad 1. Little ones 2. 100 Sheep Your Father in Heaven
The Kingdom of Heaven is like Wheat
Outline Shell Mera, Ecuador 1. Matures in adversity (vv.24-30) 2. Grows from Obscurity (vv.31-33) 3. Perseveres through to victory (vv.36-43)
The Kingdom of Heaven is like a Sower
Outline Kingdom Parables The Sower (vv.1-9) The Purpose (vv.10-17) The Sower explained (vv.18-23) Application – God’s Word – Oikos
The Church: The Antidote to Uncertainty
Outline Uncertainty One like a Son of Man The Antidote to uncertainty
The One True Unique God
Oultine 1. Unique Qualities of the Lord. (vv.1-13) God’s grace is unique (vv.2-3) God’s timing is unique (vv.3b-4a) God’s ways are unique (v.4b) God’s power is unique (vv.5-8) God’s faithful protection is unique (vv.9-10) God’s provision is unique (vv.7&13) 2. How to respond to the Lord (vv.14-28)