Best Promise Ever!

Best Promise Ever!

Outline New Things Heirs according to a promise What’s the point of the law? What’s the purpose of the law?

How not to be a fool?

How not to be a fool?

Outline Foolish 1. Experience helps you (vv.1-5) 2. History helps you (vv.5-9) 3. Jesus helps you (vv.10-14)

Straight and True

Straight and True

Outline Content of the Gospel Source of the Gospel Confirmation of the Gospel

City Vision

City Vision

Outline  Most cities have a vision You were made for this You can be certain of this What might it look like to live for this?       Photo Attribution

Philip and the Eunuch

Philip and the Eunuch

Outline Rejected An Ethiopian eunuch, an important official A Divine Encounter Application

The Main Thing

The Main Thing

Outline  A Great University “To be plainly instructed and consider well that the main end of your life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ.” The Church’s First Problem (A) The Problem (vv.1-2) (B) The Solution (vv.3-4) (C) The Result (vv.5-7) What to do in the face of problems?

Counterfeit Gospel

Counterfeit Gospel

Outline Counterfeits 1. Warts and all picture of the Church 2. Real unity is a work of the spirit 3. Counterfeit unity is a mark of Satan 4. Real unity and fellowship in the Spirit