Outline Ordinary Extraordinary Incarnation Reaction
Author: John Woldhuis (John Woldhuis)
Disciples keep the end in mind
Outline Missenden Road 1. No comparison 2. The longing of creation 3. A people of hope Keep the end in mind
Disciples live an undivided life
Outline Important Questions What must I do to inherit eternal life? How can I have eternal life?
Disciples do what love requires
Outline Born into a family 1. True love lays down his life for others 2. True love sees a brother in need and opens his heart toward him. 3. True love can be seen in actions and truth 4. True love as disciples of Jesus
Disciples are family
Outline Independent vs. Community Honest Love… 1. Genuine Love 2. Love one another with brotherly affection 3. Be Zealous (Enthusiastic) 4. Rejoice and Patience 5. Contribute Disciples are family
Disciples hear and obey
Outline Hear and Obey It’s like building a house How do you build your house?
Disciples let God lead from the invisible
Outline Visible and invisible world Visible / Observation Invisible / Revelation So what?
What is a disciple?
Outline I’m a child of God I’m an imitator of God I practice the family trade